Think of the biggest challenge, difficulty or goal you currently face.
Got it? Good.
How are you focusing your time, energy and attention to get through it?
Where are you spending your mind?
For example, are you spending it on...
Collaboration or Conflict?
Am I looking for ways to prove a point and get my way – or for ways that our different perspectives can work together?
What you control - or what you don't?
Am I wishing situations or people would change – or doing what I can to change my situation?
The past, future - or the present?
Am I dwelling on things which have already gone, worrying about things which haven’t yet happened – or making the most of what’s happening now?
What you have? Or what you don't?
Am I thinking of and longing for all the things I lack or need – or making sure I'm maximising what I already have?
Strengths or weaknesses?
Am I focusing on how my weaknesses are holding me back – or how my strengths could propel me?
What you want, or what others want?
Am I doing this because it’s what I want – or because it’s what I think other people want?
Task: If any of the above points apply, get a pen and paper, divide into 2 columns (eg, "what I want" and "what others want"), then list all the different ways you might deal with the situation, depending on which of the two ways you might choose to spend your mind thinking about it.
Close your eyes, take a breath…what are you going to do next?