There's a lot going on right now. In fact, there's always a lot going on.
There's so much going on, all of the time. So much information, breaking news, notifications, stuff to get done...
Our brains weren't designed for this overload. Capacity is limited - and right now, it's being pushed to that limit.
But, maybe that's just what we needed - in order to clear out the things we don't need anymore. Maybe it's a time to let go.
But let go of what?
Is it the tasks forever staring at us from the bottom of the to-do list? The articles in the browser tabs which just aren't being read?
Maybe it's that argument you still can't get over? Or the toxic friendship that causes nothing but stress?
Is it time to let go of the idea that you should be doing more? The worry about what other people think?
The desire for things to be different? The person you used to be..?
There's a lot going on. Now is not the time to be holding onto unnecessary stuff.
If anything, this is just a time to reset. To move forward. To take what we've learned from this and think about how we want to be from here.
Maybe, instead of holding onto all the things which don't benefit us...maybe it's just time to let go.