Talk: Starting a Mental Health Journey

A recent movement has made mental health something which many of us are thinking about, in ways we never have before.

It’s encouraging. And, while meditation apps, yoga sessions and minimising screen-time are all great steps, they only scratch the surface of what’s possible for improving the way we think and feel about ourselves.

My journey to working in this area was sparked by mental health struggles with burnout and anxiety, which many of us have had. And while this talk is partly designed to show that it’s OK to speak about them, it’s also to highlight some of the key steps I took (and continue to take) to get to the core of what I was facing - and encourage others to do the same.

The talk covers:

  • The story of how an entrepreneurial venture pushed me to burnout and all-time low - which nobody saw but me.

  • The realisation that action was needed - and the steps I took to rebuild from it.

  • Ideas and thoughts on how anybody can start spending more time not just managing their mental health - but understanding it, developing it and using it to improve their lives.

As always, despite the serious subject matter, this is a light-hearted and anecdotal talk, accessible to anybody interested in exploring the stuff which really drives us.

See full Lessons from Lockdown workshops series here.
See talk and workshop testimonials here.

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To find out more or book: Email or leave your details in the form and I’ll get back to you asap.